Dr. Harald Blomberg
Dr. Harald Blomberg qualified as a doctor in 1971. At that time he felt very much at a loss because his studies had made him lose faith in scientific medicine which appeared to him as an oversimplification with an extremely limiting theoretical basis. He seriously contemplated changing his profession but decided not to and started to work in child psychiatry. Child psychiatry seemed to be the least “scientific” branch of medicine and as such, the least prestigious one, at a time when the mind was nothing more than the effect of molecules and nerve impulses. He worked in child psychiatry for more than three years. In 1976, he started his specialist training in general psychiatry.
In 1975, Dr. Harald Blomberg had taken part of a study group to the Soviet Union visiting Leningrad, Moscow and Tbilisi to study Soviet psychology and psychiatry. We had the opportunity to meet one of leading Soviet psychiatrists responsible for the abuse of psychiatry for political purposes, Professor R Nadzharov. Dr. Harald Blomberg began to study this field when he got home. He wrote a pamphlet and many articles about it and visited Moscow several times to interview victims of abuse and finally published a book about it 《Opposition – a mental disease?》 he smuggled psychiatric reports and even a copy of the Chronicle of Current Events to the West.
In 1978, Dr. Harald Blomberg proposed that The Swedish Psychiatric Association should condemn the Soviet abuse of psychiatry. The proposal was almost unanimously voted down with only four votes in favour. After four years, his first book was published and he was working with Amnesty International and Swedish solidarity groups writing numerous articles that exposed Soviet abuse and the standpoint of Swedish psychiatrists. Finally, the Swedish Psychiatric Association changed its position and decided to condemn Soviet abuse.
In 1984, Dr. Harald Blomberg joined a two-year training program in clinical hypnosis. Besides courses in hypnosis, he attended a course in primitive reflexes and learning disability.
In 1985, Dr. Harald Blomberg was introduced to Kerstin Linde, a self-taught body therapist without formal medical education. She was working with rhythmic movements based on the movements infants do before they learn to walk. She had very successfully treated children and grown-ups with severe neurological and other kinds of handicaps. Dr. Harald Blomberg needed to do something about his own motor difficulties due to polio he suffered in his childhood, so he enlisted as her patient. He subsequently followed her work with children who suffered from neurological handicaps such as cerebral palsy and saw the most incredible improvements that contradicted all his medical education and experience. He also followed her work with Alzheimer patients and people with psychosis and other psychological and emotional disturbances. Even in these cases, the positive effects of her treatment stunned him. He decided to write a book about her treatment method and started to interview parents of handicapped children who were treated by Kerstin Linde.
Dr. Harald Blomberg had finished his specialist training and started to work as a psychiatric consultant at a psychiatric outpatient clinic in 1982. In 1986, he introduced the rhythmic movement training of Kerstin Linde at his clinic both for neurotic and psychotic patients with excellent results. He saw amazing recovery in some cases of protracted schizophrenia. The patients were very grateful and happy for the treatment.<
In 1989, he started private practice and a colleague invited him to introduce the movement training for some chronically ill schizophrenic patients, most of them hospitalized for ten years or more at the psychiatric hospital where he worked. He worked with this project two days a week and in his private practice the rest of the time. In 1991 this work developed into a research program supervised by a professor of psychology at the University of Umeå. The research program was designed to continue for five years but was unfortunately interrupted in 1994 when he had to quit his work at the psychiatric hospital. However, after two years a report was compiled in 1993 dealing with “short term changes in chronic schizophrenic patients treated with rhythmic movement therapy.” The report was an examination paper by two students of psychology. The students concluded “the study indicates that the patients treated with movement therapy had displayed the greatest positive changes…among other things the changes manifested themselves in the fact that these patients to a greater extent were able to take part of social activities, participate in occupational therapy and their daily tasks in the ward. They had also become more interested in their surroundings.”
In 1990, he started to work once every two weeks as a psychiatric consultant at an anthroposophic special school for mentally handicapped youths between the ages of 15 and 21 where he introduced rhythmic movement training. Some of the students were mentally retarded, others were diagnosed with autism or ADD. Some of the therapists at the school learned rhythmic movement training and the students greatly benefited from their RMT training. His experience has been, that students with movement disabilities, learning disabilities due to ADD, and psychosis are the ones that benefit the most from rhythmic movement training while those with autism also needed a gluten and casein free diet in order to avoid unnecessary emotional reactions.
In his private practice for adults he used rhythmic movement training in combination with movements for inhibition of primitive reflexes. This approach was especially beneficial for patients who, as children, had suffered from dyslexia and/or ADD. All patients who agreed to do rhythmic movements benefited since these movements stimulate the therapeutic process and especially the dreams of the patients.
After his work at the psychiatric hospital, he started to work full time in his private practice. He began writing his initial book about rhythmic movement training. His goals, among other things, were to account for the effects of rhythmic exercises both in respect of improvement of motor ability, stimulation of dreams and in overall psychological development. The book included case reports of treatment with rhythmic training, an attempt to explain its mode of action and a general discussion of the theoretical basis of scientific medicine. A small publishing house specializing in books about learning disabilities published his book, 《Helande Liv》, in 1998.
Since 1990, Dr. Harald Blomberg had given many lectures and taught courses in rhythmic movement training for therapists, teachers and nursing staff. After the publication of his first book, these courses increased in demand. The emphasis of these courses has been on treating children with dyslexia, ADHD and motor problems. He had also taught courses in China, Hong Kong, US, France, Germany, England, Spain, Poland, Finland, Belgium, Japan, Singapore and Australia.

In 2008, he published another book about rhythmic movements called《Rörelser som helar》. He subsequently updated the book with more emphasis on environmental causes not only of autism but also of attention and learning problems. The chapter about autism had been completely rewritten and he had also included additional relevant reflexes. The updated version of the book was published in Chinese in 2013. The publication of the book in 2008 caused an increasing demand for his courses and in 2009, he opened a Center for Rhythmic Movement Training in Stockholm where he currently teach Blomberg Rhythmic Movement Training courses and treat patients, mainly children who suffer from problems with attention, mobility, reading and writing or have been diagnosed with autism or Asperger.
In 2010, he published a book called 《Autism – En sjukdom som kan läka》(Autism – a disease that can heal) which deals with the environmental causes of autism and the treatment of autism with diet, food supplements and rhythmic movement training among many other things. Its Chinese and English versions were published in 2014 and 2016 respectively.

In 2011, I published two booklets, one about central stimulants and one about dyslexia. In 2014, I published a booklet《Gluten-related disorders in children and adults》with its Chinese version published in the same year. In 2015, I published a booklet about vitamin B12. The English and Chinese versions were published in 2016. In 2016, I published a booklet about muscle and joint pain. The English and Chinese versions were published in 2017.
Based on more than 20 years of clinical experience, medical knowledge and a number of scientific studies, researches and theories, Dr. Harald Blomberg continuously incorporates new elements into his method which evolves into the present Blomberg Rhythmic Movement Training®. At present, there are a number of Blomberg Rhythmic Movement Training® courses of different aspects.
More and more frequently it happens that children with ADHD, learning difficulties and motor problem do not make the swift progress with rhythmic movement training that he used to see when he first started to work with this method. Therefore he have taken as his task to investigate the causes of children’s rapidly declining health and how it can be dealt with when working with rhythmic movement training. Nowadays the immune system of all children is under severe stress due to radiation from microwaves, heavy metals, food additives and other chemicals, unhealthy food and lacking nutrients and this has caused a dramatic increase of gluten sensitivity and celiac disease. Stress from mobile phones and cordless networks and from gluten and casein sensitivity is a significant cause of the rapidly declining state of health among children nowadays and needs to be dealt with in order to make rhythmic movement training effective. Consequently rhythmic movement training should not only focus on movements and reflex integration but needs to take more account of environmental factors in order to be really helpful in the long run. With the mission of committing to the principle that good health is the natural condition of all individuals, provided we live in a healthy environment and eat a nutritious and healthy diet, Blomberg Rhythmic Movement Training® also addresses the environmental stress factors of the modern world and recommends various steps, in combination with rhythmic movement training to develop a revolutionary approach to improved health and well-being, so called “The Rhythmic Movement Method”.
In 2015, he published a book called 《The Rhythmic Movement Method》. The Chinese version was published in 2017.
At present, he offer the following Blomberg Rhythmic Movement Training® courses:
- Level 1: Rhythmic Movement Training and Primitive Reflexes
- Level 2: Rhythmic Movement, Emotions, Inner Leadership and Limbic System
- Level 3: Rhythmic Movement Training and Reflexes in Reading and Writing Difficulties
- Blomberg Rhythmic Movement Training and Diet for Children with Autism and other Challenges
- Blomberg Rhythmic Movement Training for Exceptional Children, Part 1 and 2
- Blomberg Rhythmic Movement Training in Preschool/Kindergarten for Children
- Blomberg Rhythmic Movement Training for Pain Management in Adults, Part 1 and 2
- Blomberg Rhythmic Movement Training, Dreams and Inner Healing
- Blomberg Rhythmic Movement Training in Cerebral Palsy
- Blomberg Rhythmic Movement Training in Parkinson’s Disease
- Blomberg Rhythmic Movement Training in Alzheimer's Disease
- Blomberg Rhythmic Movement Training in Mental Illness
- Blomberg Rhythmic Movement Training In-depth Class for Level 1
- Blomberg Rhythmic Movement Training In-depth Class for Level 2
- Blomberg Rhythmic Movement Training In-depth Class for Level 3
- In-depth Class for Blomberg Rhythmic Movement Training and Diet for Children with Autism and other Challenges
- In-depth Class for Blomberg Rhythmic Movement Training for Pain Management